时间:2017年11月23日 阅读:1623次工商管理学院(创新创业学院)现有市场营销、工商企业管理、房地产经营与管理、电子商务四个专业及创新创业教研室。其中,市场营销为浙江省优势专业。学院以培养具有“义商人格的实战型经营管理人才为主旨,依托笃行创新创业学院,注重学生创新创业教育与自主创业项目的培育。我院拥有完备的实验、实训室为学生提供市场调研、模拟公司创设、电子商务、营销实战经营仿真及全真化实验实训。现有省级示范实训基地 3 个,省财政资助实验室 8 个,“校中店”生产性实训基地 6 个,校外实训基地 100 多个。此外,我院与行业企业共同组建了1个产学合作实体“苏宁商贸学院”,为学生开展专业与毕业实习提供保障。我院共有教师44名,其中教授2名、副教授 16 名,博士 2 名,大部分教师具有丰富的相关行业从业经历。教师的科研、教研成果丰富,主持及参与了多项国家级或省级项目研究。我院注重专业建设、产教融合和课证融合,引进了多项与本专业相关的、社会已开展的职业资格考试,并取得了良好的成绩,强调实践与理论教学的相互结合,加强学生实际操作能力培养。现拥有 1 项国家级资源库项目、1 门国家级精品课程、1 门国家级资源共享课程、3 门省级精品课程、6 门校级精品在线开放课程、14本国家级规划教材(其中含 2 本“十三五”国家规划教材)和 9 本新形态教材(其中含 6 本省“十三五”新形态教材)。我院学生就业情况良好,连续九年就业率超 98%。2020届毕业生就业率 96.29%,签约率 96.08%,毕业生倍受用人单位肯定。2014 年,我院党总支获“浙江省高校先进基层党组织”荣誉称号,至 2018 年,我院党总支连续八年被评为学校“先进基层党组织”。2019 年,“1+1+1”党建育人制度模式入选浙江省首批全省高校党建“双百示范”工程项目。2021年,我院有1个项目入选浙江金融职业学院“一院一品”师德师风品牌建设项目,3个项目入选浙江金融职业学院首届高水平育人名师工作室培育项目。
The School of Business Administration (School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship) has four majors: Marketing Management, Business Management, Real Estate Operation and E-commerce., and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching and Research Section. Among them, Marketing Management is the advantageous specialty in Zhejiang Province. With the main objective of cultivating practical management talents with righteous business personality and relying on the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the school focuses on the cultivation of students' innovation and entrepreneurship education and independent entrepreneurship projects. Our school has completed experiments and training rooms to provide students with market research, simulated company creation, e-commerce, marketing business simulation and fully realistic experiments and training. There are 3 provincial model training bases, 8 laboratories financially supported by the province, 6 store-in-school productive training bases and more than 100 off-campus training bases. Furthermore, we have established an industry-academia cooperation entity Suning College of Commerce with industry enterprises to provide guarantee for students to carry out professional and graduation internship. We have established an extensive faculty resources with 44 members, including 2 professors, 16 associate professors and 2 doctors, most of whom have rich experience in related industries. The teachers have valuable achievements in scientific research, teaching and research, and they have presided over and participated in many national or provincial projects and researches. We also pay attention to areas serving as professional construction, integration of industry and education and integration of courses and certificates, introducing a number of professional qualification examinations already carried out by the society and related to provided majors. The efforts paid has achieved with excellent results, emphasizing the mutual integration of practical and theoretical teaching, and strengthen the cultivation of students' practical operation ability. Now we have 1 national resource project, 1 national quality course, 1 national resource sharing course, 3 provincial quality courses, 6 university quality online open courses, 14 national planning textbooks (including 2 national planning textbooks of the 13th Five-Year Plan) and 9 new form textbooks (including 6 new form textbooks of the 13th Five-Year Plan). We also have a positive employment rate exceeds 98% for nine consecutive years. The employment rate of 2020 graduates is 96.29% and the contracting rate is 96.08%, as graduates are highly recognized by employers. In 2014, the General Party Branch of our school was awarded the honorary title of Advanced Primary Party Organization in Zhejiang Colleges, schools& Universities, and in 2018, the General Party Branch of our school was awarded Advanced Primary Party Organization of the College for eight consecutive years. In 2019, 1+1+1 party building& education system model was selected as the first batch of double hundred demonstration projects of party building in Zhejiang Province. In 2021, one project of our college was selected as one college, one product brand construction project of Zhejiang Financial College. In 2021, 1 project of our school was selected as One Academy, One Product brand construction project of teacher moral and teacher style, and 3 projects were selected into the first high-level educating teacher studio training project of Zhejiang Financial College.